Proud recipient of a city artist corps grant, premiering october 19, 2021 7:30pm at the gene frankel theater


Kathryn Posin Dance Company Receives New City Arts Corps Grant

The Kathryn Posin Dance Company has received a City Artist Corps Grant, from a new $25 million recovery initiative designed to help NYC-based working artists who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. New York Foundation for the Arts and the Department of Cultural Affairs paired with the Mayor's office will distribute one-time $5,000 grants to over 3000 artists to help sustain their ongoing activities and engage the public across New York City’s five boroughs.

The Posin Company will perform one night only: Tuesday, October 19. In the spirit of the Noho neighborhood recovery, the KPDC which has for fifty years resided in its studio at the corner of Bond and Lafayette will perform next door on Bond Street at the iconic Gene Frankel Theater. The work goes on on the cobblestone blocks of Noho where legendary acting coach Gene Frankel and artists like Chuck Close, Robert Rauschenberg, Patti Smith, Robert Mapplethorpe, Sam Rivers and dancer choreographer Daniel Nagrin carved out their lives and their work. The program: Excerpt from Posin's Triple Sextet to Steve Reich's Pulitzer Prize-winning Double Sextet; company member Daniel White performs Gerald Arpino's Touch Me; and Through You by company members Claire Mazza and Alejandro Ulloa will premiere. Under the grant guidelines all performances are free.

For ticket inquiries, see the link below:

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©Kathryn Posin Dance Company, New York City